Each month we feature a different special.  Keep checking back for new monthly specials and great one time deals!

For our current winter specials (through February 1, 2014) OUTDOOR SERVICES is offering 10% off every new paid in full plow contract. (NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY)

CROSSROAD PRODUCTIONS is offering free delivery of any equipment for rental.  (excludes portable staging-75 mile radius to Lansing)

SEELY SERVICES is offering 10% discount on new carpet cleaning and your first cleaning is FREE with a 1 Year signed contract for 4 carpet cleanings.  (certain restrictions apply, phone for more information)  Ask about carpet stain protection similar to Scotch Guard by 3M!
Monthly Specials
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Okemos, MI 
Call for a quote today! (517)-402-9331
Copyright 2015 Seely Services Inc. All Rights Reserved
Seely Services Inc.

Quality Service at an Affordable Price!
Give us a call today for a quote for your Carpets to be cleaned.  When you call ask about a monthly carpets and windows contract!